Dennis Boatwright, II
Political Activist

HAPI City Tour offers unique perspectives on Nile Valley Civilization
Since July 2020 HAPI Film duo Taaqiy Grant and Felicia Harden have been on a mission to promote economic empowerment and economic cooperation among inner-city communities devastated by internal disorganization and deliberate government neglect. But it is obvious that the mission of this powerhouse team is to preserve and build upon the legacies gifted to us by a line of trailblazing scholar warriors whose research and dedication expands over one-hundred years.

For these reasons HAPI’s mission is welcomed and appreciated especially by the conscious community, in particular. We understand the dangers of losing a body of knowledge that scholars like France Cress Welsing entrusted to us. Furthermore, we realize there are scores of anti-Black forces that benefit from keeping us in the dark about how unique our accomplishments are in history.
The unrestrained attacks on the “Hotepers” and the “Woke” community—as African-entered Pan Africanists are derisively called—have intensified and in most cases exceeded the bounds of decency expected in the free exchange of ideas. These attacks seem to feed off a sad yet inevitable reality: most of our classic African-centered scholars are at the tail-end of their lives or already have transitioned to the Freedom Fighter Hall of Fame. Because of the misleading characterization of the ideas of leading African-centered scholars, many people remain skeptical about joining force to unifying our communities.
But fortunately, Felica and Taaqiy is pushing the needle of public perception of African-centered knowledge back in the right direction. Since the murder of George Floyd Black-owned African centered bookstores saw a spike in demands for Dr. Amos Wilson’s must read Blueprint for Black Power.
To compliment the new interest for Pan African knowledge, this year HAPI Film decided to redouble its efforts to raise the consciousness of our people in several cities significantly populated by people of African lineage. Their initiative, known as HAPI City Tour, was launched at the Charles Wright Museum of African American History in midtown Detroit last September with the esteemed African-centered scholar Leonard Jeffries Jr. personally gracing the inauguration. HAPI eventually moved on to the Venice Island Performing Arts Recreation Center in Philadelphia, wherein the HAPI team handed out the prestigious HAPI Economic Award to the North Philly Peace Park Green Wall Street community for their “dedication to the financial well-being of the African Diaspora.

The HAPI film Tours are so informative that the prospect of subjecting my wife and kids to an exhausting 8-hour drive from Detroit to Washington D.C. did not discourage me from attending a second screening. Upon arrival to The Miracle Theater, I was struck by a long line of attendees that curved around the corner.

Perhaps my fellow Detroit native, Felicia, wanted to reward my endeavors. Hence, she granted me special access to speak privately to renown scholar Tony Browder before he lectured on 13 Reason Why Nile Valley Civilization Matters to People of African Ancestry. And afterwards I suspect HAPI had a hand in a mysterious Caucasian woman gifting me a 7-foot rollup Timeline that I was standing in line to purchase.
But readers can have a chance to catch a screening, too.
HAPI’s next stop is in Atlanta on Saturday, December 11 at the Riverside Epicenter and will be hosted by Dr. Chua Akia. The featured panelists will be Dr. Alicia Watkins and HAPI’S own team member, Taaqiy Grant. Lifetime Brooklyn native Taaqiy will invariably share with the audience his fascinating story about his motivations and experiences promoting HAPI Films on this one-of-a-kind tour.
HAPI will end this year’s 6-leg event in Bridgeport, Connecticut on December 18th. But Felicia hinted to me that HAPI eventually will add Chicago to its City Tour itinerary in 2022. When they make the announcement, I will grab my car keys.
On a serious more serious note, their City Tour recalls one of my all-time favorite quotes.
“Every generation,” as Frantz Fanon points out in The Wretched of the Earth, “must discover its mission, fulfill it or betray it.” Hence it is apparent that HAPI film crew concluded that it is their generation’s duty to promote and continue the sacred mission of J.A. Rogers, Dr. John Henrik Clarke, Dr. Leonard Jeffries, Jr., and countless other scholars who possessed the courage to present facts as they are. For this we thank them profusely, and generations to come will acknowledge the gratitude they deserve.
Now we can show our appreciation for the important work they do by sending financial support to Cash App: $hapifilm. For other ways to give, contact HAPI hapifilm@gmail.com or www.hapifilm.com. Your generous support will ensure future generations will always know the names of Imhotep and Thutmosis III, Drs. Asa Hilliard and Wade Nobles, Tony Browder and Brother Kaba Kamene Hiawatha to name a few. Otherwise, the lack of financial support puts this legacy at risk of being lost.
Posted: Mon, Dec 13, 2021