
Black Democratic congressman champions bill that requires U.S. State Department to target African nations not joining NATO's war against Russia
Senior Congressional Black Caucus member Gregory Meeks (D-NY) introduced H.R. 7311, a bill that gives the U.S. State Department broad powers to punish African nations for not siding with the United States against Russia in their war over control of Ukraine.

When will the Congressional Black Caucus start leveraging its power as a small group of Republican lawmakers did during the House Speaker vote?
The Congressional Black Caucus must strategically leverage its voting bloc power as the dozen, or so conservative Republicans masterfully did in early January during the selection of the U.S. House Speaker

Biden's Build Back Better plan excludes HBCUs
Each of the top 25 predominately white universities have annual endowments larger than all the endowments of HBCUs combined.

Police union coverups account for 60% of unreported cases of cops killing blacks
Strong police unions have demonstrated an uncanny ability to avoid oversight and accountability.

Black Lives Matter: How a movement squandered a moment
The first six months immediately after the videotaped murder of George Floyd last year was a golden opportunity for change. Instead, this precious moment turned out to be the biggest fumble and mis-opportunity for African Americans since the Civil Rights and Black Power movements.