Dennis Boatwright, II
Political Activist

Presidential Hopeful Dr. Cornel West Vows to Abolish Africom
Presidential hopeful, Dr. Cornel West, promises Detroit residents he will “get rid of Africom,” as part of his foreign policy posture towards Africa

Of the thousands of intellectuals and politicians I had the pleasure of meeting in person, Dr. Cornel West is among the few that believes in the ideas he promotes.

I formulated my impression when I observed how easily this Independent presidential candidate interacted with others and graciously answered all our question at length--to the extent that his security detail gently reminded him he had another flight to catch at Detroit Metropolitan Airport.
On behalf of people of African descent, I asked him a two-part question: “As president (of the United States) what would be your foreign policy posture towards Africa, and secondly, would you consider advocating for something like a Marshal Plan for Detroit?”
Those present at the event held inside the Mama Akua House, located in the ‘Zone 8’ neighborhood of Detroit, applauded when Dr. West said he would “get rid of Africom,” first. The United States Africa Command (AFRICOM) is responsible for U.S. military operations in 53 African nations. AFRICOM is one of eleven nefarious unified commands of the U.S. Department of Defense tasked with undermining progressive activities throughout Africa. In fact, AFRICOM played a leading role in assassinating former Libyan President Muammar Khadafi in 2011 during the so-called Arab Spring. Mr. Khadafi was the chairperson of the African Union (AU) at the time of his costly murder.

West’s unmitigated support for the Palestinians and his pledge to “get rid of Africom,” among other issues, is enough for me to vote for him this November. However, Dr. West also advocates for universal healthcare, and free housing for the homeless. Moreover, West says he will return to Detroit to help fight for reparations for African Americans.
The Center for Pan African Studies wishes Dr. West success in his presidential aspirations because it is obvious that the two leading major party candidates will not noticeably alter the status quo in Washington.
(Dr. Yusuf Shakur offered space at the Mama Akua House to Host Dr. West.)
Posted: Mon, Feb 5, 2024