Dennis Boatwright, II
Political Activist

Dennis Boatwright

US, allies fund Islamic insurgents to undermine progress made by the Alliance of Sahel States

Islamic insurgents in truck

Within one year of coming into power Capt. Ibrahim Traore set up his country’s first mobile clinics which will expand healthcare services to Burkina Faso’s sick and elderly living in remote villages. Likewise, in just a few months of assuming power in July 2023, Gen. Abdurahamane T’chiani transformed Niger from one of the poorest countries in the world into the fastest growing economies in the world after he nationalized the mining of high-grade uranium and other coveted natural resources.

Mobile clinics

Also, in a very short period, under the leadership of Col. Assimi Goita, the Republic of Mali nationalized its gold mines and built the country’s first gold refinery, a move that significantly increases the market value of this coveted metal.

However, the West, led by France, is determined to derail the historical path to progress these three Sahelian countries are on.

It is worth noting that Capt. Traore came into power in 2022 with an astonishing 84 percent approval rating. Despite his unparalleled popularity he has survived numerous assassination attempts masterminded by the West. Last week was the seventeenth attempt. But ordinary Burkina Faso citizens are also victims of violence perpetrated by external forces.

Islamic insurgents standing in desert

For instance, a few days ago a French government security assessment group said around 600 Burkinabes were massacred by terrorists in the town of Barsalogho on August 24, making it one of Africa’s deadliest attacks in decades. Previously the United Nations estimated the number killed to be no higher than 200. Mali US Ambassador Sekou Berth told a Friends of the Sahel delegation that the insurgents terrorize villages so that they can occupy the area when the villagers flee. Over the last three years nearly 5,000 civilians have been killed for that reason.

Since 2021, the year Assimi Goita came into power, terrorist violence has increased to nearly 60 percent, according to a report published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies. The document shows that in 2024 alone 11,200 deaths have occurred in the Sahel. The insurgents terrorizing the Sahel region of Africa in particular are identified as al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghrib (AQIM) Nusrat ul-Islam wa al-Muslimin (JNIM), and the Islamic State in the Greater Sahel (ISGS).

These mercenaries are provided money, arms, vehicles and logistics by the West to ultimately overthrow the current governments of the Alliance of Sahel States. The West, led by France in this region, want to remove Capt. Traore, Gen. Goita, and Gen. T’chiani from power for Europe to regain control of these countries. It must be noted here that Europe would be less developed had it not robbed Africa of its natural resources for so long.

Mali diplomat pointing to map

Where do these terrorists come from?

After Western-back Islamic jihadists assassinated Libyan President Muammar Khadafi in 2011, they pivoted towards the resource rich Sahel after instructions from NATO. Diplomat Konfe Abdoul Aziz of the Mali Embassy in the USA told delegates from the Center for Pan African Studies that captured insurgents confessed to security forces that they were promised by the West that if they help topple the governments in the Alliance of Sahel States (AES), they would be given thousands of square miles of land in the northern regions of the respective countries.

Misguided Islamic terrorist groups, such as AQIM, took up this attractive offer. As a result, JNIM and other extremist groups occupy 30 percent of Burkina Faso and large chunks of land in the northern regions of Mali and Niger.

Today, according to AES officials, the jihadists are receiving logistical and military support from France and other NATO members. It is publicly known that the United States is funneling weapons through Ukraine to aid the Islamic terrorists in the Sahel. This is why Burkina Faso’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Karamoko Jean-Marie Traore blasted Ukraine last month at the United Nations General Assembly for its role in destabilizing the Sahel region. However, for nearly 1000 years treacherous Africans have assisted Europe’s domination over Africa. For instance, in the 1990s the US used Rwandan mercenaries to massacre millions of Congolese so that the US could have unimpeded access to the Congo’s vast deposits of minerals.

Friends of the Sahel with Mali Ambassador

Fortunately for the Sahel, the Alliance of Sahel States is breaking 800 years of economic exploitation by the West. Pan Africanists in the Diaspora are taking notice of this paradigm shift and are eagerly seeking ways to contribute. This rising African consciousness is emboldening Africans to be the primary beneficiaries of the plentiful natural resources they are endowed with. Reflecting this wealth, there is an estimated $27 trillion in natural resources still in the ground in the Democratic Republic of the Congo alone. But the West wants this wealth virtually for free. And they will get this wealth for free if the Islamic jihadists are not crushed.

Posted: Mon, Oct 7

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