An Analysis of New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy's Position on AP African American Studies and the Struggle for the Soul of Black History
“unlike some other states in America that are going against telling the complete African American story including of slavery and oppression, New Jersey is going the other way. We’re not the political ones here. We’ve got to tell the whole story of our country whether we like it or not, whether you like it or not.”

AP African American Studies: An Old Battle for the Soul of Black History
Governor DeSantis’ effort to suppress aspects of AP African American history is just the tip of the iceberg.

Black Democratic congressman champions bill that requires U.S. State Department to target African nations not joining NATO's war against Russia
Senior Congressional Black Caucus member Gregory Meeks (D-NY) introduced H.R. 7311, a bill that gives the U.S. State Department broad powers to punish African nations for not siding with the United States against Russia in their war over control of Ukraine.